Tuesday, January 24, 2006

something different

When I read other people's blog, they are usually about their every day life. They talk about what they do that particular day.. Well, I'm not going to follow that trend.. I was thinking about writing my views of a particular topic from newspapers, but then I have done it few days ago.. Why not I post a "cerpen" that I wrote few years ago. It is a malay one. When I read it once again I found it to be very terrible.. Should I do it? Why not.. But it would be in Malay and by parts because it is unsuitable to write it all at once. It'd be very long and boring.. Oh ya I have another idea. How about I write my old English compositions.. Just a try.. I won't change anything from the compositions and that includes the grammar and the flow of the story.. And I'd like your comment on those compositions.. Maybe I'll try tomorrow...

"Why does my cry... when you leave me..."


Blogger duolulu said...

Cerpen ka?? Hehe.. better not to post it in blog.. but there's no restriction. I think u better post it here..


or to other fiction story host.

Actually, my duol ulu is not about my daily life also bah.

Wed Jan 25, 08:04:00 pm 2006  

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