Saturday, January 21, 2006

online marriage

What do you think of marriage through online.. I just read a newspaper a couple of days ago regarding this. Apparently, if I still can remember, that this couple had been chatting through online for several months and never meet each other face to face. The guy who was around 5o+ years old married the lady, 50+ years old also through online. The weird thing is that the their marriage is 'disahkan' by the majlis ugama.. I don't quite remember how the vows were said.. Maybe, the guy just typed in "Aku terima nikahnya c ***** dengan mas kahwinnya $33 melalui kad kredit..." Haha... by the way both the groom and bride were malays and from Malaysia.. I guess that's what the technology and internet are all about.. Nothing is impossible. Even now a husband can also divorce his wife through sms(I mean there are cases about this, also in Malaysia and that involve artists).. What's going on with this world.. I think this shows how coward the guys are. They are afraid of getting lectured by their soon to be ex-wife or could not bear to see his wife sad.. but this is not professional(huh?).. Guys like that just bring shame to our guys society. Where are your ego and pride as a man? huh? apala... nadawah.. I still think this type of marriage or divorce in this sort of ways are "nda patut patut"..

"I Love The Way That You Love Me..."


Blogger Green Wanderer said...

Dalam kata business, ada "loophole" dalam asas-usus munakahat masa ni. Ingat ko "cerai SMS" dulu? From what I see, gugur talak because ada dalam munakahat kalau bini atu ada terdapat "indikasi" yang lakinya mau bercerai (misalkata "aku cerai kau dengan talak begini" *beri peace sign(ertinya dua la tu)* maka gugur talak. Kalau cematu boleh apalagi SMS kan?

Nda payah aku jelaskan lagi kenapa online marriage boleh berlaku - sama jua dengan "loophole" munakahat ani.

Mon Jan 23, 12:01:00 pm 2006  

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