Thursday, March 08, 2007


Just to drop by and post something. Been busy this past week because of courseworks and assignments. Most due next week.. Oh ya.. my program is working now.. yeay(kata ku dengan senang hati).. haha. There are some modifications needed to be done. It's still a prototype. Hope I'll finish it on time because I haven't started on my report yet. Here's a screenshot of my project.

By the way, I'm doing a e-learning program for primay students to practice Mathematics, in this case, the topic is fraction. I know this may look amateurish but I hope I can do/design better. Any constructive comments(on the interface) are mostly welcome. Maybe if I have time I'll embed this program on the web. Then you guys can have a try..

A little explanation on my program, the introduction page is like the home page of the program. It'll explain what fraction is and how addition, multiplication, subraction and division work etc.. The questions are taken from a database that I created. Students answer the question by typing in the answer in the boxes provided. Then the program will respond by comparing the students' answer with the the answer from the database and will tell the student whether they have answered correctly or not. There are also buttons for the student to skip questions and also go to the previous question.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Rules: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

I have been tagged!!! Haha.. It seems that this is a tagging game.. Hehe. Whatever.. Been really busy with my project(yeah right..). Right now I'm in the implementation phase. Right now my program is half working.. There are still bugs. Need to debug it and choose the right coding. Aiya..

I don't I'm weird. Here's some that might be considered weird..

1. Don't really like to drink fizzy drinks especially coca-cola, pepsi, 7 up.. If its orange flavoured that would be okay..

2. My first pizza and burger were in 2002. My second pizza was last year. Now, I'm okay with pizza. But burger.. still haven't eaten since then. Not sure why..

3. Very choosy and fussy at almost everything from food, clothes to choosing a partner. One of the weirdest criteria that should my ideal partner have is she has to be good in gardening. Haha.. That is weird.. Maybe thats the reason that I'm still single. Too picky.. but that is just a bonus..

4. Collecting ice cream sticks.. You know.. the 20-50 cents ice cream with the sticks. I have it at home. I haven't counted it yet.

5. Some people thought that my brother is younger than me. His friends told him that I am older than him. That's strange because I think I look younger than him..

6. I like Spice Girls.. haha.. like their songs..

Okay who should I tag? 6 only? Nda apa lah aku tambah..
- Iskiness
- Venus
- Eechut
- Frah
- Azim
- Krul
- Green Wanderer